
  1. BRUNO CARTAXO. Mestrado e Doutorado em Computação: Um guia para iniciação e sobrevivência, sem academês. Casa do Código, 2023. (in portuguese)

Book Chapters

  1. BRUNO CARTAXO, Gustavo Pinto, Sergio Soares. Rapid Reviews in Software Engineering. Chapter in Book: Contemporary Empirical Methods in Software Engineering. Springer, 2020. [PRE-PRINT]

Articles and Papers


  1. Carolline Pena, BRUNO CARTAXO, Igor Steinmacher, Deepika Badampudi, Deyvson da Silva, Williby Ferreira, Adauto Almeida, Fernando Kamei, Sérgio Soares. Comparing a Rapid Review with a Systematic Review in the Software Engineering Field. Wiley Journal of Software: Evolution and Process (JSME), 2024. [PRE-PRINT]


  1. Luciano de Souza Cabral, Rodrigo Lira, Paulo Roger, Antônio Neto, Josino Neto, Flavio Oliveira, BRUNO CARTAXO, Eduardo Sabino, Tatiana Beltrão. Popularização e democratização da inteligência artificial no nordeste brasileiro: um relato de experiência. Revista Práxis: Saberes da Extensão, 2023. [OPEN ACCESS]


  1. Jairo Raphael ; Baldoino Fonseca ; Rodrigo dos Santos Lima ; Alessandro Garcia ; Márcio Ribeiro ; BRUNO CARTAXO; Gustavo Pinto ; Rohit Gheyi. Developers’ Viewpoints to Avoid Bug-introducing Changes. Elsevier Information & Software Technology (IST), 2022. [PRE-PRINT]

  2. Deepika Badampudi, Farnaz Fotrousi, BRUNO CARTAXO and Muhammad Usman, Reporting Consent, Anonymity and Confidentiality Procedures Adopted in Empirical Studies Using Human Participants. e-Informatica Software Engineering Journal, 2022. [OPEN ACCESS]


  1. BRUNO CARTAXO; Eduardo Guerra ; Victor Osório ; Sérgio Soares ; Paulo Borba . Lazy Clone – A Pattern to Improve Performance and Maintainability of Object Cloning. In: 28th Conference On Pattern Languages Of Programs, 2021. [OPEN ACCESS]

  2. Fernando Kamei, Igor Wiese, Crescencio Lima, Ivanilton Polato, Vilmar Nepomuceno, Waldemar Ferreira, Márcio Ribeiro, Carolline Pena, BRUNO CARTAXO, Gustavo Pinto, Sérgio Soares. Grey Literature in Software Engineering: A Critical Review. Elsevier Information & Software Technology (IST), 2021. [PRE-PRINT]
  3. Nabor Mendonça ; Igor Steinmacher ; Igor Wiese ; BRUNO CARTAXO ; Gustavo Pinto . Quão Fechada é a Comunidade do SBES? TL;DR: Não Passarás!. In: I Workshop on Open Science Practices for Software Engineering (OpenScienSE), Joinville, 2021. [OPEN ACCESS]


  1. Antônio Sá Barreto Neto, Felipe Farias, Marco Mialaret, BRUNO CARTAXO, Priscila Alves Lima, Paulo Maciel . Building Energy Consumption Models Based On Smartphone User’s Usage Patterns. Elsevier Knowledge-Based Systems (KNOSYS), 2020. [PRE-PRINT]
  2. Leonardo Furtado, BRUNO CARTAXO, Christoph Treude, Gustavo Pinto. How Successful Are Open Source Contributions From Countries with Different Levels of Human Development? IEEE Software, 2020. [PRE-PRINT]
  3. Samuel Loli, Leopoldo Teixeira, BRUNO CARTAXO. A Catalog of Object-Relational Mapping Code Smells for Java. In: XXXIV Brazilian Software Engineering Symposium (SBES), Natal, Brazil, 2020. [PRE-PRINT]


  1. Eudis Teixeira, Liliane Fonseca, BRUNO CARTAXO, Sérgio Soares. PrioriTTVs: A process aimed at supporting researchers to prioritize threats to validity and their mitigation actions when planning controlled experiments in SE. Elsevier Information & Software Technology (IST), 2019. [PRE-PRINT]
  2. Pacheco, F. ; Wiese, I. ; Steinmacher, I. ; BRUNO CARTAXO; Gustavo Pinto . How Open is the SBES PC Community? 33rd Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering (SBES), Salvador, 2019. [PRE-PRINT]
  3. Danilo Monteiro Ribeiro, Fabio Q. B. Da Silva, BRUNO CARTAXO. Explorando o Conhecimento em Equipe na Engenharia de Software: Um Estudo de Caso Múltiplo. SBC Revista Brasileira de Sistemas de Informação (iSys), 2019.
  4. BRUNO CARTAXO, Gustavo Pinto, Baldoino Fonseca, Márcio Ribeiro, Pedro Pinheiro, Sergio Soares and Maria Teresa Baldassarre. Software Engineering Research Community Viewpoints on Rapid Reviews. 13th ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement (ESEM), Porto de Galinhas, Brazil, 2019. [PRE-PRINT]
  5. Wagner Felidré, Leonardo Furtado, Daniel Alencar Da Costa, BRUNO CARTAXO, Gustavo Pinto. Continuous Integration Theater. 13th ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement (ESEM), Porto de Galinhas, Brazil, 2019. [PRE-PRINT]
  6. Pereira, J. A. ; Pena, C. D. ; Melo, M. B. ; BRUNO CARTAXO ; Sérgio Soares ; Robson Fidalgo. Facilitators and Barriers to Using Alternative and Augmentative Communication Systems by Aphasic. 32nd IEEE International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems (CBMS), Cordoba, Spain, 2019. [PRE-PRINT]
  7. BRUNO CARTAXO, Gustavo Pinto, Fernando Kamei, Danilo Monteiro Ribeiro, Fabio Q. B. da Silva, Sérgio Soares. How systematic reviews cover practitioners’ issues: A study on Stack Exchange communities. PeerJ PrePrints, 2019.


  1. BRUNO CARTAXO, Gustavo Pinto, Sérgio Soares. The Role of Rapid Reviews Supporting Decision-Making in Software Engineering Practice. 22nd International Conference on Evaluation and Assessment in Software Engineering (EASE), Christchurch, New Zealand, 2018. [PRE-PRINT]
  2. BRUNO CARTAXO; Gustavo Pinto ; Sérgio Soares. Towards a Model to Transfer Knowledge from Software Engineering Research to Practice. Elsevier Information & Software Technology (IST), 2018. [PRE-PRINT]


  1. BRUNO CARTAXO. Supporting Knowledge Transfer From Secondary Studies to Software Engineering Practice. 15th International Doctoral Symposium On Empirical Software Engineering (IDoESE), Toronto, Canada, 2017. [PRE-PRINT]
  2. BRUNO CARTAXO. Supporting Researchers to Transfer Knowledge from Systematic Reviews to Software Engineering Practice. 20th Ibero-American Conference on Software Engineering (CIbSE), Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2017.
  3. BRUNO CARTAXO, Gustavo Pinto, Danilo Ribeiro, Fernando Kamei, Ronnie E. S. Santos, Fábio Silva, Sérgio Soares. Using Q&A websites as a method for assessing systematic reviews. 14th ACM/IEEE International Conference in Mining Software Repositories (MSR), Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2017. [PRE-PRINT]
  4. Fernando Kamei ; Gustavo Pinto ; BRUNO CARTAXO; Alexandre Vasconcelos. On the Benefits/Limitations of Agile Software Development: An Interview Study with Brazilian Companies. 21st Evaluation and Assessment in Software Engineering (EASE), Karlskrona, Sweden, 2017. [PRE-PRINT]
  5. Waldemar Pires ; Sérgio Soares ; Maria Teresa Baldassare; BRUNO CARTAXO; Giuseppe Visaggio. A Comparative Study of Model-Driven Approaches For Scoping and Planning Experiments. 21st International Conference on Evaluation and Assessment in Software Engineering (EASE), Karlskrona, Sweden, 2017.


  1. BRUNO CARTAXO, Gustavo Pinto, Elton Vieira, Sérgio Soares. Evidence Briefings: Towards a Medium to Transfer Knowledge from Systematic Reviews to Practitioners. 10th ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement (ESEM), Ciudad Real, Spain, 2016. [PRE-PRINT]
  2. BRUNO CARTAXO. Integrating Evidence from Systematic Reviews with Software Engineering Practice Through Evidence Briefings. 20th International Conference on Evaluation and Assessment in Software Engineering (EASE), Limerick, Ireland, 2016.


  1. BRUNO CARTAXO, Paulo Borba, Sérgio Soares, Helio Fugimoto. Improving Performance and Maintainability of Object Cloning with Lazy Clones: An Empirical Evaluation. 9th ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement (ESEM), Beijing, China, 2015. [PRE-PRINT]
  2. BRUNO CARTAXO, Waldemar Pires, Emanoel Barreiros, Adauto Almeida, Juliana Saraiva, Sérgio Soares. Mechanisms to Characterize Context of Empirical Studies in Software Engineering. 18th Empirical Software Engineering Latin Amarican Workshop (ESELAW). Lima, Peru, 2015.


  1. BRUNO CARTAXO; Allan Araújo; Antônio Sá Barreto; Sérgio Soares. The Impact of Scrum on Customer Satisfaction: An Empirical Study. 27th Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering (SBES), Brasília, Brasil, 2013. [PRE-PRINT]


  1. BRUNO CARTAXO; Ítalo Costa; Dhiego Abrantes; André Santos; Sérgio Soares; Vinícius Garcia. ESEML – Empirical Software Engineering Modelling Language. ACM Workshop on Domain-specific modeling (DSM), Tucson, United States, 2012. [PRE-PRINT]
  2. Ioram Sette; BRUNO CARTAXO; Thun Pin; Abel Guilhermino; Rodrigo Assad; José Dirceu Ramos; Hamilton Coutinho. Analysis of Prediction and Replacement Algorithms Applied to Real Workload for Storage Devices. 20th International Symposium on the Modeling, Analysis, and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems (MASCOTS). Washington DC, Unitade States, 2012.

Thesis and Dissertation

  • [Ph.D. Thesis] – A Model to Transfer Knowledge From Research to Software Engineering Practice Based on Rapid Reviews and Evidence Briefings, 2018.
  • [M.Sc. Dissertation] – Mecanismos para guiar a caracterização de contexto de estudos empíricos na engenharia de software: Um Mapeamento Sistemático, 2014. (in portuguese)